Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get a referral to Jodie Ellis-Clark?
A GP or specialist referral is required to see Dr Ellis-Clark. The patient then needs to ring us to make an appointment if the referral has been sent through prior.
What should I bring to my first appointment?
- You will need to bring your GP or specialist referral with you.
- Medicare Card and Health Insurance Card details, Aged Pension Card
- Pathology results
- Discharge letters or doctor reports
- Scans, X-Ray films
- If you’ve had surgery any operative reports
- List of current medications, herbal medicines and allergies
If I have my period can I still see Dr Ellis-Clark?
Yes, as Dr Ellis-Clark is heavily booked it is important not to miss your appointment and we deal with this every day. Unlike gynaecological procedures, which are often scheduled four days after a period has ended, if you are scheduled for a colonoscopy, menstruation will not impact Dr Ellis-Clarke’s ability to carry out the procedure.
What are your hours and days of operations?
Our days of operation are 9.00am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
Dr Ellis-Clark consults at her Kingswood rooms Monday mornings and all day Friday.
She operates Nepean Public Hospital, Nepean Private Hospital, Somerset Private Hospital and Blue Mountains District ANZAC Memorial Hospital.
Where can I park for a consult?
There is free limited parking available at the back of the rooms off Somerset Street.
On street parking is also available on Orth Street with timed 2 or 4 hour parking is available on Somerset Street, otherwise there is paid parking at Nepean Public and Private hospitals.
Where can I park for my procedure?
When presenting to the hospital for your procedure there is paid parking at Nepean Public, Private & Somerset Hospital, or street parking. Keep in mind that streets are patrolled by traffic wardens.
Once I have seen Dr Ellis-Clark how do I get admitted online to one of Dr Ellis-Clark’s hospitals?
Hospital consent forms will be completed in rooms then online admission forms need to be completed by the patient prior to their procedure. Public patients need to complete their paperwork as soon as possible so that they are put on the waitlist sooner.
What are your consultation fees?
Advised at time of appointment. We accept cash, cheque and credit cards.
What patient forms will I need to fill in?
Once the appointment has been made, and you have supplied your mobile number, an SMS will be sent to you in regards to our online registration. This needs to be completed ASAP and returned with a copy of the referral, as Dr Ellis-Clark requires to see all referrals before she sees patients in case the referral is urgent or it is not for us we will refer you to the appropriate specialist.
If a patient does not have a mobile number they are asked to arrive for their appointment 10 minutes earlier to complete the forms.
What is your Covid-19 policy?
We ask that all patients call us first if they have any of the following symptoms:
- Fever
- Sore throat
- Shortness of breath
- Have tested positive for COVID-19 in past 14 days
- For the safety of all our patients we will also ask you to wear a mask to your appointment